Functional Medicine? Have you heard the term? Wondering why it matters?
Today, Dr. Youn shares with you his functional and integrative medicine journey. Tip: He thinks it is the future of medicine - and should be the "present" of medicine.
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Have you heard of cosmetic acupuncture? Or maybe you’ve heard of the acupuncture facelift? Holistic practitioners throughout the country are performing these procedures, and claim to get pretty impressive results. Well, we know that acupuncture works to lessen pain, reduce stress, and improve the body’s healing mechanisms. But can it be used to smooth wrinkles and firm the skin? And if so, how do it work and what results can you expect to get from it?
In this episode of the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m joined by a leading expert in cosmetic acupuncture. We reveal the truth behind these procedures, whether they are worthwhile for you to consider, and what you can expect from an Acupuncture Facelift.
Please join me and naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Pamela Landenderfer, as we reveal the truth behind Cosmetic Acupuncture and The Acupuncture Facelift.
Fat Grafting? Fat Grafting Surgery? What is it really / should you consider it? What are the implications and use?
Today, Dr. Youn tells you all about the world of Fat Grafting.
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Approximately one in every 2.5 million babies are born with craniopagus, or conjoined twins attached by the head. Jadon and Anias, two 13 month old brothers-- were born with this condition and without surgically separating them, their lives would be incomprehensibly difficult. So Jadon and Anias’s parents moved from their home in Ilinois to the Bronx, where they met pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. James Goodrich and my next guest, a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in craniofacial reconstruction.
After a grueling 27 hour operation, Jaden and Anias, who previously had been attached by the head, were separated for the first time. It is an amazing story of survival, hope, and the power of modern medicine to perform miracles.
Please join me and my guest, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Oren Tepper, as we discuss his experience Separating Conjoined Twins.
Can eating certain foods really help you look younger?
Today, Dr. Youn shares the connection between the food you eat and the way you look: 5 simple dietary changes to look 10 years younger.
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Have you ever wanted to look as good as your favorite celebrities? We see them on TV, with their impossibly smooth skin, perfect pouty lips, and incredibly shapely figures. Is it fair for us to compare ourselves to Hollywood actors and actresses? And how does social media play into all of this?
On a whole, celebrities have always denied going under the knife. But on this episode of the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, we’re going to get to the bottom of how celebrities look so good. Is it real? Or is it plastic? And how can you get Angelina Jolie’s plump lips, Halle Berry‘s ample breasts, Taylor Swift‘s smooth legs, and Beyonce‘s shapely behind?
Please join me and my guest, Dr. Steven Davis, as we show you How To Look As Good As Your Favorite Celebrity.
Botox? What is it really / should you consider it?
Today, Dr. Youn tells you all about the world of Botox Cosmetic.
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Who doesn’t want to live a long, healthy, and joyful life? I know I do.
My guest this week, one of the most famous physicians in the country, has figured out the secret to getting exactly that – and it involves five pillars that are a must for all of us. How do you find your sense of purpose? Why is it so important to be a part of your community? Is exercise really that necessary to our health? And, how does the food we eat fit into all of this?
After listening to this podcast episode, you’ll leave with the five pillars or secrets that can unlock the true healthy potential of your life. By learning these five pillars, you can focus on what really matters and discard any unnecessary baggage. We’ll also discuss one of the most fascinating topics in medicine today – gene expression- and how you can control how your genes express themselves. It’s a podcast episode filled with actionable takeaways that I think you will really appreciate.
Please join me and my guest, Dr. Partha Nandi, as we reveal Five Steps To A Long, Healthy, and Joyful Life.
What are the cleanest fruits and vegetables (especially after last week's episode)?
Today, Dr. Youn covers "The Clean Fifteen" - a list of your best choices for clean eating.
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Have you found that after turning fifty your workouts don’t give you the results you’re looking for? Or maybe you’ve developed injuries that have slowed you down? Well, you’re not alone. Our bodies change in many ways as we get older, so the way we exercise needs to change as well.
So on this week’s episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m joined by an expert in fitness for women and men over 50. We’ll reveal the five components that should be a part of every workout; how you can eat more, exercise less, and still lose weight; discuss what’s more important – weights or cardio; and much more. We’ll show you how to make your workouts work for you.
Please join me and fitness expert Debra Atkinson as we reveal how to Maximize Your Fitness After Fifty.
Concerned/worried about pesticides? Ever wondered which veggies and fruits have the most pesticide residue?
Today, Dr. Youn covers "The Dirty Dozen" - a list of the worst offenders by the Environmental Working Group.
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Aging is a lifelong process. I tell my patients, “It’s a blessing to get older, because the alternative isn’t what any of us want. However, if you’d like to fight it every step of the way, let’s do it, and have fun with it.”
What you need to do to fight off aging changes as you get older. What you should do at thirty is drastically different than what you should do at fifty. So today, I’m joined by one of the country’s leaders in cosmetic plastic surgery to discuss what a Life Plan for Looking Your Best should look like. We’ll discuss what to do each decade to turn back the clock and fight Father Time. We’ll also discuss which society your cosmetic plastic surgeon must be a member of.
Please join me and my guest, The President of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Dr. Clyde Ishii, as we reveal how to get a Life Plan for Looking Your Best.
Coffee - what's good about it / what's bad about it / what's with adding butter to it?
And mycotoxins - what does that mean? Bulletproof Coffee - good idea?
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Welcome to the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, where we dive deep into the hottest trends in health, beauty, and cosmetic treatments. I’m Dr. Anthony Youn, America’s Holistic Plastic Surgeon.
Are you or have you ever been on birth control pills? If so, then this week’s podcast is a must-listen. My guest this week is one of the nation’s leading naturopathic physicians teaching about how birth control pills can be hazardous to your health. Every day millions of women take birth control pills not just for contraception, but for treating symptoms such as acne and painful periods. Are they really doing their bodies a service, or are they masking issues that will rear their ugly heads years or even decades from now.
On this week’s podcast we discuss just exactly what is Post Birth Control Syndrome, why women get it, and how to treat it. The symptoms often start four to six months after discontinuing birth control pills, and can have devastating consequences for some women. We reveal other, potentially better alternatives for contraception, and I even call out the guys by giving my perspective on the ideal form of birth control.
Please join me and my good friend, Dr. Jolene Brighten, as we reveal how to heal from Post Birth Control Syndrome.
Link: https://drbrighten. com/pbcsdiet/
Who wants to lose fat without surgery? There are many options to getting rid of fat without surgery. Did you know there
There are many options to getting rid of fat without surgery. Did you know there is a number of non-invasive fat reduction option past liposuction? Dr. Youn examines them all in this mini episode of the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show.
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Welcome to the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, where we dive deep into the hottest trends in health, beauty, and cosmetic treatments. I’m Dr. Anthony Youn, America’s Holistic Plastic Surgeon.
Plastic surgery is a continually changing field. What is yesterday’s great new idea could be today’s gold standard but tomorrow’s obsolete treatment. So, what’s hot today, what plastic surgeons and patients are all excited about, just might not be as great as it seems.
So on this episode I’m joined by a nationally-recognized plastic surgeon to discuss some of the hottest topics in plastic surgery. Does the ‘scarless breast lift’ actually work? What is the best non-invasive fat reduction treatment? How about the internal bra? Is that a good idea? What about the new injectable fillers?
We’ll cover the hottest topics in plastic surgery today and give you our recommendations about what are currently the most talked-about treatments in cosmetic medicine.
Please join me and my good friend, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Adam Rubinstein as we reveal the truth about Hot Topics in Plastic Surgery.
Bad breath? Excess sweating? Thinning hair? Stained teeth? Moobs?
Take a quick look at these fascinating topics and what you can do about them in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
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Have you ever thrown your back out from something as simple as sneezing or lifting something light? You may have seen a doctor afterwards and been put on NSAIDS and muscle relaxers and told to rest? Or maybe you’re one of the estimated 100 million Americans who suffer from chronic pain - pain that persists long after the original injury? X-rays and other tests may not reveal anything abnormal, yet your pain is real and it’s never been cured.
If any of these apply to you or someone you love, then it’s essential that you listen to this week’s podcast. I’m joined by one of the country’s foremost experts in treating pain holistically, and together we’ll reveal to you the root cause of your pain and how to treat it without medications.
Please join me and my good friend, Dr. Joe Tatta, as we reveal Holistic Solutions for Pain.
Plastic surgery of the private parts is one of the fastest growing segments of cosmetic medicine - despite being a very new field. Learn more in this mini episode.
Obviously, this topic is Mature and NSFW. Don't listen/watch around the kids.
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Who doesn’t want to look younger? While most of us would love to turn back the clock, a recent survey by found that only one in five of us would actually consider having plastic surgery. Well, if you want to take off the years but aren’t sure about going under the knife, I’ve got great news for you. There are a plethora of non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can take years off your face. But how is one to know when surgery or non-surgical treatments are your best option? I’ve got the answer for you on this week’s podcast.
This week I’m joined by an expert in facial rejuvenation. And in addition to going over the latest in facial cosmetic treatments, he has a very simple trick that can years off your face, improve your mood, and make wonderful changes in your life. And this trick will cost you absolutely nothing.
Please join me and board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Rich Castellano as we reveal How To Look Ten Years Younger.
Welcome to Part 2 ... Can foods really help you look longer? Can a simple food "switch" make a difference in your appearance? Here's the completion of our two-part series on superfood switches to look younger.
Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
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Kefir. Kim Chi. Sauerhkraut. Kombucha. These and other fermented foods have become a hot topic among nutritionists and naturopathic physicians. We are learning that these types of foods can play integral part of our paths to health and wellness. But unfortunately, our standard American diet has all but eliminated these probiotic-abundant foods from our plates. Why has this happened? How can fermented foods improve the health of your gut, your microbiome, your energy levels, and even your skin? And, is it safe to make your own fermented foods at home?
On this episode of the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show I’m joined by an expert in microbiology and gut health. We get to the bottom of why you need to add fermented foods into your diet, and how you can use these foods to dramatically improve your health and digestion.
Please join me and my good friend, Master Fermentationist Summer Bock, as we reveal how to Improve Your Health Using Fermented Foods.
Can foods really help you look longer? Can a simple food "switch" make a difference in your appearance? Here's the first of a two-part series on superfood switches to look younger.
Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
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What is the first thing you notice about someone you meet? For me, and for I assume a lot of you, it’s their smile. Every year Americans spend billions of dollars on cosmetic dental treatments to whiten, straighten, and even out our teeth. It’s a massive industry, and likely one that you have contributed to.
So on this episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show, I’m joined by arguably the country’s most famous cosmetic dentist. We’ll answer such questions as: what’s the most effective way to whiten my teeth on a budget? What’s the difference between crowns and veneers and when might I benefit from them? Is fluoride bad for our health? And, what’s the deal with all those people who have blindingly white teeth? You know the ones I’m talking about!
Please join me and America’s Dentist, Dr. Bill Dorfman, as we reveal The Latest Advances In Cosmetic Dentistry.
@drbilldorfman on Instagram
Topic: Breast implants and ALCL (Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphonma). What do we know about it / what can we do about it / where do we go from here?
Take a quick look at this important topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
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