Have you ever wanted to change the shape of your breasts? According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, last year over half a million Americans had their breasts enlarged, lifted, or reduced. Although it seems like just about every female celebrity in Hollywood has undergone a breast augmentation, there’s a lot more to breast enhancement than most people realize.
Did you know that smoking can make your nipples fall off? Or that the scars from a breast lift are permanent and longer than the scars from a tummy tuck? And maybe you didn’t know that doctors of all kinds, from ER docs to ophthalmologists to ENT’s to oral surgeons are putting breast implants into women all around the country?
It’s definitely a buyer-beware market. But don’t worry, this week’s guest and I have all the information you need to help you make the right decision for you and your breasts.
Please join me and my guest, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Karen Horton, as we reveal everything you need to know about Plastic Surgery of the Breasts.
What are the best deals in plastic surgery? What are the worst? Dr. Anthony Youn, America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon, offers the 7 best options - and warns you about 3 you might want to steer clear of.
Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. One out of every 4 deaths every year, over 600,000 men and women, are attributed to this deadly condition. In our culture, we’ve been conditioned to blame heart attacks, hypertension, and coronary artery disease on genetics, or aging, or not seeing the doctor and taking the right medications.
It’s all a load of hooey.
You are causing your heart disease by not getting enough sleep, stressing too much, not exercising, and especially eating the wrong foods. And my next guest has made it his life’s mission to show you how to prevent and reverse heart disease using holistic means. He’s taken patients who are cardiac cripples- people who’ve had multiple bypass operations and been told by their doctors that it’s hopeless and to get their affairs in order- and completely reversed their heart disease so they are climbing mountains less than a year later. And he does this using the power of food and lifestyle.
He’s the doctor Big Pharma hates but you need to know.
And I’d love for you to meet him.
Please join me and America’s Healthy Heart Doc, Dr. Joel Kahn, as we reveal how to reverse heart disease naturally on the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show.
Good fats? Bad fats? What's the difference? Why does it matter?
Take a quick look at this fascinating topic and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
There are many myths surrounding plastic surgery.
Is it true that if you have liposuction, the fat that is removed will just come back somewhere else? Maybe you’ve heard that if a plastic surgeon puts in the stitches there won’t be a scar. Or that you should always go bigger if you’re getting breast implants.
There is a ton of misinformation out there about plastic surgery, and this episode of the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show is dedicated to correcting these plastic surgery myths. We’ll get to the truth about whether breast implants make you sick, if a facelift is all you need to look younger, whether you should combine a breast reduction with breast implants, and much more. This is a fun but very informative show.
Please join me and my guest, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Danielle DeLuca-Pytell, as we reveal the truth about plastic surgery myths on the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show.
Dr. DeLuca-Pytell’s website: www.delucapytell.com
Are instant change products worth your time and money?
Take a quick look at this trend and what it means to you in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
Have you heard of the term ‘leaky gut?’
This is one of the hottest topics in health and medicine today, and many forward-thinking physicians believe that the health of your gut can have profound impacts on your overall health. Do you have issues with persistent weight gain, fatigue, seasonal allergies, and fibromyalgia? Or maybe you are one of the millions of people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS? Or maybe you are realizing that the foods you have become accustomed to eating, such as milk, factory-farmed meats, and certain grains, are actually making you less healthy. If so, then this podcast is for you.
Please join me and my friend, board-certified internal medicine physician and gut health expert Dr. Vincent Pedre, as we reveal how to turn a leaky gut into a happy gut.
Are matcha and kombucha the super drinks everyone is claiming them to be?
Take a quick look at these two popular drinks in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
Have you ever thought about having a nose job? If so, you’re not alone. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2016 there were almost 150,000 rhinoplasty surgeries performed in the US. It was the 6th most popular cosmetic surgery overall.
But there is a lot more to getting a nose job than meets the eye. Even though the nose is composed of just a couple bones and pieces of cartilage, it’s the most difficult and technically demanding facial cosmetic operation that we perform. Rhinoplasty has the highest revision rate in all of cosmetic surgery. It also has the highest rate of patients who suffer from BDD, body dysmorphic disorder. In addition, botched nose jobs abound, and there are even plastic surgeons who specialize in fixing botched noses.
So what should you do if you want to reshape your nose? I have the answers for you on this show.
This week I’m joined by one of the most respected and academically accomplished plastic surgeons in the world. He is a former president of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the current editor-in-chief of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery scientific journal, and a specilialist in the field of rhinoplasty. Please join me and board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Rod Rohrich, as we reveal the Art and Science of Rhinoplasty.
Twitter: drrodrohrich
Facebook: @drrodrohrich
Instagram: rod.rohrich
Would your plastic surgeon ever use leeches?
This is just one of the surprising secrets examined in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
Have you discovered that your mind isn’t quite as sharp as it used to be? Are you forgetting things that maybe you shouldn’t? Or maybe you’re finding that learning new concepts is getting progressively more difficult? Or you might feel like your mind is in a perpetual fog.
Well, if this sounds like you, then you may have developed the dreaded Brain Fog. But don’t worry, there is a fix. You can sharpen your mind, improve your intellectual functioning, and clear that fog away. And, the solution does not have to involve prescription medications. The key to improving your brain fog may lie in the concept of neuroplasticity. Intrigued?
If so, please join me and my guest, psychologist and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Mike Dow, as we explore Brain Fog, Neuroplasticity, and Healing the Broken Brain.
Healing the Broken Brain Book: http://amzn.to/2ouedqZ
Is brow tweezing really as effective as a brow lift?
This is just one of the surprising secrets examined in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
Have you ever thought about making your own skin care products? Well, why would you do that when it’s so easy to just buy your skin care products at the drugstore like most other people?
Well, if you take a look at the list of ingredients of your favorite creams, you might be surprised at just how many ingredients are used to make up something as simple as a moisturizer for your hands. Ingredients like methylparabens, aluminum silicate, and even fragrances can actually be unhealthy for your skin and your health. While you may think the FDA is watching over these cosmetics companies and preventing them from putting harmful additives into your moisturizers and anti-aging creams, in reality they are not. You can be unknowingly exposing yourself to potential carcinogens and hormone-disrupters.
Well, knowing this is an issue, my next guest has made it her life’s mission to educate consumers, like you and me, how to make our own skin care products using all-natural and safe ingredients. By making your own skin care products at home, you will know exactly what you’re putting on your – and your children’s- skin.
Please join me and my friend, licensed aesthetician Rachael Pontillo, as we reveal why you should make your own skincare.
Is your olive oil fake?
This is just one of the surprising food secrets examined in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
Dr. Shulman explains in detail innovative procedures in Body Contouring that he has been skillfully practicing in the past 10 years in his practice in New York City. Have you ever heard of a Brazilian Butt Lift or a Mommy Makeover? Find out in this show, simple explanations for these and other procedures in plastic surgery. Dr. Shulman is also known for educating patients throuPodcast Episode 11: State-of-the-Art Body Contouring with Dr. Matthew Schulman Have you ever wanted to change the shape of your body? According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, you’re not alone. Last year over 1 million Americans underwent body contouring surgery, including tummy tucks, liposuction, lower body lifts, breast augmentations, and buttock enhancements. It’s one of the fastest growing segments of cosmetic surgery, especially for men and women under 40 years old. The field, and the procedures, are getting so advanced, that there is a burgeoning movement of plastic surgeons who specialize in just that: body contouring. There are right, and wrong, ways to perform these complex operations.
So today, I have one of the country’s foremost experts in body contouring to discuss this trend, as well as some of the innovative, state-of-the-art procedures he performs. We discuss the Botox-assisted breast augmentation, the Smooth Tuck alternative to the traditional tummy tuck, the Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Makeovers, and more.
Please join me and my friend and colleague, Dr. Matthew Schulman on the Holistic Plastic Surgery Show.
Note: Before-and-after photos can be viewed on the video version of the podcast.
Promo: http://www.drschulmanplasticsurgery.com/
Snapchat - NYCplasticsurg / Instagram - NYCplasticsurggh
Can hot chocolate really be better for you than green tea?
This is just one of the surprising food secrets examined in this mini-episode of The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show with Anthony Youn, MD.
More at http://DrYoun.com
A Revolutionary Diet to Treat Chronic Autoimmune Conditions with Dr. Terry Wahls
Did you know that upwards of 70% or more of the risk of autoimmune disease, mental health issues, cancer, and, in fact, most chronic diseases is determined by diet, toxin exposure, and activity level? And, because of this, dramatically changing your diet and your exposure to environmental toxins can create incredible improvements in chronic diseases?
Well, my guest this episode is what many doctors would call a medical miracle. Years ago she was diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis, which left her wheelchair-bound and quickly on her way to an early death. However, after determining how to maximize the delivery of nutrients and energy to her brain cells, she was able to not only halt the progression of her disease, but reverse it. She went from being confined to a wheelchair to completing an 18 mile bicycle tour. And she did this without medications. She reversed her multiple sclerosis using the power of food.
If you have someone in your life who is suffering from autoimmune disease, and conventional medications and conventional medicine is failing him or her, then you must see or hear this episode.
Please join me and Dr. Terry Wahls, as we reveal a revolutionary diet to treat chronic autoimmune conditions.
Links: www.terrywahls.com
Book: The Wahls Protocol Cooking For Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan To Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions: http://amzn.to/2npWbYA
Do you want to look better without having to undergo a lot of pain, downtime, and a general anesthesia? Well, if you do, then you’re in luck. Minimally-invasive procedures are all the rage in plastic surgery today. Now we are able to remove fat, lift necks, reshape the nose, and get rid of saggy eyelid skin with shorter recoveries, smaller scars, and less cost than ever before. Sounds good, right? Well, my guest in this episode is a master at performing these types of lunchtime procedures.
Now these aren’t necessarily treatments that are done during your lunch break, but conceivably they could be. They’re that easy to have done. And best of all, they don’t require going to the hospital, getting a general anesthesia or even an IV, and you can walk out and even drive yourself home afterwards.
Have I piqued your interest? In this episode of “Look, Live, and Be Better” we’ll explore the world of lunchtime cosmetic treatments with board-certified, Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Svehlak.
If you are interested in seeing the before-and-after photos mentioned during this episode, be sure to check out “The Holistic Plastic Surgery” video podcast on iTunes.
Are you using essential oils? If not, then I bet many of your friends are. Essential oils have become a very popular and all-natural way for people to improve their health, reduce their stress, sleep more soundly, be more alert, and reduce exposure to harmful household toxins. Sounds awesome, right? Well, there is a lot more to using essential oils than you may think.
So in this episode we are going to cover the basics of essential oils with an expert in essential oils and the author of the best-selling new book, The Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils.
We’ll discuss which four essential oils you should start using first, how to get the best results from your essential oils, and how to avoid the most common mistakes people make with their essential oils.
Please join me and my guest, Dr. Mariza Snyder, as we cover Essential Oils 101 on this episode of “Look, Live, and Be Better.”
Have you gained weight in recent years, even though your activity levels and eating habits haven't changed? Do you wake up in the morning more tired than you were when you went to bed? Maybe you feel that your workouts haven't given you the results you expected they would? Or maybe your mind isn't functioning quite like it used to, and you're experiencing the dreaded brain fog that bothers so many of us? You may have even seen your doctor, had some tests run, and been told that everything is "normal."
Well, if you are female and any of these things describes you, then my guest this episode may just have the solution for your problems. The secret may lie in your hormones.
Please join me and double board-certified naturopathic and integrative medicine specialist, Dr. Tami Meraglia as we reveal The Hormone Secret.
If you haven’t heard of Dr. Miami, then I bet your kids have.
Dr. Miami, otherwise known as Dr. Michael Salzhauer, is currently the King of Snapchat, with millions of people watching his sometimes funny, often educational, occasionally bloody, but always entertaining videos every day. His snaps have also caused an uproar among some fellow plastic surgeons about whether what he’s doing is unprofessional and should be stopped.
No matter what you think of Dr. Miami, no one can question that he has become a global phenomenon. He is arguably the most famous plastic surgeon in the country. So what’s the real story of Dr. Miami? Is he the guy you see on Snapchat, goofing off wearing a king’s crown while holding a scepter, or is this just an act?
They call him Dr. Miami. He’s a plastic surgeon and he makes people feel better about their bodies. You can watch him as he Snapchats his way through the week.
On this episode of Look, Live, and Be Better, I get the real scoop. Please join me and Dr. Michael Salzhauer as we explore The Man Behind Dr. Miami.
Have you heard of bone broth? It’s all the rage in Hollywood, and is touted by many as being the ultimate anti-aging food. Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Salma Hayek, Shailene Woodley, and Kobe Bryant are reportedly big fans of bone broth. But what exactly is bone broth? How do you prepare it, and what are its actual benefits?
Today I am really excited to welcome someone who is an expert in bone broth and much, much more. Dr. Kellyann Petrucci is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet, and the newly released Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet Cookbook.
We get to the bottom of why so many of us can’t lose weight, even though we may be counting calories and doing all the things “we’re supposed to be doing.” We’ll talk about fat-burning foods, how to heal your gut, and why bone broth just might be the answer to your weight-related issues.
Please join Dr. Kellyann and me, as we reveal how you can Lose Weight and Heal Your Gut Using Bone Broth.
www.drkellyann.com/dryoun - To check out Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet Cookbook and receive free gifts and special offers
Dr. Kellyann on Facebook: www.facebook.com/drkellyann/
Dr. Kellyann on Twitter: www.twitter.com/drkellyann
Dr. Kellyann on Instagram: www.instagram.com/drkellyannpetrucci/
Two Weeks To Clean and Beautiful Skin With Dr. Trevor Cates
Have you questioned whether the skin care products you put on your face have too many chemicals, additives, and preservatives to actually be good for you? Have you wondered if all of these ingredients, with names you can’t even pronounce, truly make your skin healthier? And how does what you eat play into how your skin looks? Is there a connection between the health of your gut and the health and the appearance of your skin?
Well, my next guest has made it her life’s mission to educate America on how to achieve clean skin from within. She has identified six root causes behind imperfect skin, a significant departure from traditional dermatology. And by focusing on these six root causes of skin disorders, she has put together a revolutionary two-week plan to achieve clean, healthy, and youthful skin.
Please join me and my guest, Dr. Trevor Cates, as we reveal how to achieve clean and beautiful skin in just two weeks.
Did you know that one of the fastest growing segments of cosmetic treatments in the United States is female genital plastic surgery? Yes, it’s true. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), in 2015 nearly 9000 people underwent labiaplasty, and these numbers are skyrocketing each year.
On this show, we are going to dive deep into the field of cosmetic genital treatments. We’ll cover labiaplasty, ThermiVa, the O Shot, and more. In order to get a balanced and sensitive perspective on this charged-up issue, I’ve enlisted a very highly regarded female plastic surgeon to join me in discussing these controversial procedures, all of which are aimed at women.
We’ll also discuss what it’s like to be a female plastic surgeon, working in a specialty where the overwhelming majority of practitioners are men but the overwhelming majority of patients are women. We’ll discuss fascinating new studies on how gender plays a role in selecting a doctor, and how medical training often isn’t as an understanding of women’s issues as it should be.
Please join me and my guest, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Heather Furnas, as we discuss Plastic Surgery of the Private Parts.
Dr. Heather Furnas and Dr. Francisco Canales – Santa Rosa, CA. - www.Enhanceyourimage.com
Dr. Heather Furnas on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drheatherfurnas
The Impact of a Plastic Surgeon’s Gender on Patient Choice. https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/doi/10.1093/asj/sjw180/2629989/The-Impact-of-a-Plastic-Surgeon-s-Gender-on
Pregnancy and the Plastic Surgery Resident. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5147089
Have you ever wondered what you would do if faced with extreme circumstances? Would you freeze up? Or would you back off and let other people call the shots? Or maybe would you take charge and move full speed ahead?
My guest this week did just that. Her son was tragically involved in a hit and run and given a 0.02% chance of living by doctors who wanted to give up. But she refused to let the odds and naysayers stop her from doing the one thing that mattered most – saving her son’s life. And through a grueling and painful recovery and rehabilitation, she turned a terrible tragedy into a profound opportunity. An opportunity to restart her life and the life of her son.
The lessons she learned are ones that are universal to everyone who wants to overcome adversity, prove the naysayers wrong, and achieve heights in your life that you would never have believed were possible. This is the Miracle Mindset, and for anyone who is facing adversity, feels stuck in a rut, or just want to take their life to a new level, then this show is for you.
Please join me and my good friend, JJ Virgin, as we reveal that You Are Stronger Than You Think.